Your ENVIRONment to BE!

Your ENVIRONment to BE!
Who you be, do, have…has much to do with the environment you reside.
ENVIRONMENT is the business you work at, the domain you live in, the place you play, the city, town or country you call home, your profession, your school or club membership. It is everywhere and now includes the people around you, the air you breathe, the sights you see, the clothes we wear, the culture of a region, even the bathtub you bathe in.
That environment you live in is you; you cannot help but have the energy of the environment get on you. You become the environment. So if this is remotely honest, where are you? How is your environmentpulling you? Are you allowing others to decide what you want to be just by being around them? Are you allowing a cultural drift of a city dictate how you need to earn a living or perhaps dress? Do you have the ultimate well-being and lifestyle you have dreamed of?
The unconscious pressure of anenvironment is pulsating every moment.  This pulse is giving you your aliveness or your death.  Get busy living or get busy dying!
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About BeverlyD

Alive Playful Sensual Hair, Lifestyle and Being, that's what BeverlyD can promise you. If you want to learn how to create more aliveness and vitality in your life and look it, follow her. We offer events, personal consultations and coaching, just call 6462625689 or email

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